Online: Soapbox2627, Hilly

New Indian

  • simmac18
    11 years ago

    I dunno about you guys, but can't wait to see what Polaris is going to with the old iconic Indian, they've made a new 111 to power it.  Not bad will put another dint in the Harley world.  Not that i'd give up my Harley though, wouldn't mind a second, third or forth bike though, now if I can just get that past the minister!!!

  • IR0N
    11 years ago
    I think they would have to do the same as Triumph, Vincent and other similar Co's, make the old style bikes with new technology. New school X Old school would be a cracker!
  • El Skitzo
    El Skitzo
    11 years ago
    Magnificent looking engine! If they put as much effort into the look of the rest of the bike as they have with the engine it will be a stunning looking machine. Good engineering too, unit construction, 111 cubes, over 115 ft/lb of torque, kinda leaves a Twin Cam looking more than a little lacking. Fingers crossed the bike is priced a level the common man can afford...
  • ozymax
    11 years ago
    water cooled?
  • terroristone
    11 years ago
    push rod angles look right, unlike hd big twins.

  • DaveP
    11 years ago
    3 cams
  • BlackRk103
    11 years ago
    Not that I am about to dump my Harley on the market to go and and buy one, but I rally look forward to seeing one in the flesh. Pretty exciting to have something come out that is the marques first real design in decades!
  • ozymax
    11 years ago
  • speedzter
    11 years ago
    And it uses a one piece forged crank !
  • Rob Fatboy
    Rob Fatboy
    11 years ago
    Polaris also make Victory Motorcycles. They must be trying to corners the market, LOL....
  • FLHuTChU
    11 years ago
    WOW! that is a great ad for an engine.
  • allde
    11 years ago

    This is a teaser Hmmm 2......


  • HogBag
    11 years ago

    I like the lines of the Indian engine as it looks (.) similar to the original (.) chief with finned flat  heads. Indian is about to give HD a big fucking shock with a modern chief that looks old school and will blow most HD's into the weeds with a modern engine and no doubt a 21st centry frame and running gear.
    Not my carton of beer but good news for many

    Fucking nice teaser tities above

  • Filthy
    11 years ago

    I won't be selling the Springer but my next bike was gonna be an FLD - not so sure now ......